District | Total Tests | 0 - 2 months Total Tests | 0 - 2 months Total Tests(1st PCR) | 0 - 2 months +ve Tests | Total 1st PCR | Positive 1st PCR | Total 2nd PCR | Positive 2nd PCR | Total 3rd PCR | Positive 3rd PCR | Total R1 | Positive R1 | Total R2 | Positive R2 | Total R3 | Positive R3 | % of Positives in 1st PCR |
<% districts_lables[d._id].name %> | <% d.total_tests|number %> | <% district_numbers_zero_to_two_months[d._id].total_tests %> | <% district_numbers_zero_to_two_months_pcr1[d._id].total_tests %> | <% district_numbers_postives_zero_to_two_months[d._id].total_tests != null ? district_numbers_postives_zero_to_two_months[d._id].total_tests : 0 %> | <% d.pcr_one|number %> | <% district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_one_hiv_positive_infants != null ? district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_one_hiv_positive_infants : 0 %> | <% d.pcr_two|number %> | <% district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_two_hiv_positive_infants != null ? district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_two_hiv_positive_infants : 0 %> | <% d.pcr_three|number %> | <% district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_three_hiv_positive_infants != null ? district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_three_hiv_positive_infants : 0%> | <% d.pcr_R1|number %> | <% district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R1 != null ? district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R1 : 0%> | <% d.pcr_R2|number %> | <% district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R2 != null ? district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R2 : 0%> | <% d.pcr_R3|number %> | <% district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R3 != null ? district_numbers_positives[d._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R3 : 0 %> | <% (d.pcr_one_hiv_positive_infants > 0? ((d.pcr_one_hiv_positive_infants/d.pcr_one)*100):0) %>% |
Facility | DHIS2 Facility Name | District | Total Tests | 0 - 2 months Total Tests | 0 - 2 months Total Tests(1st PCR) | 0 - 2 months +ve Tests | Total 1st PCR | Positive 1st PCR | Total 2nd PCR | Positive 2nd PCR | Total 3rd PCR | Positive 3rd PCR | Total R1 | Positive R1 | Total R2 | Positive R2 | Total R3 | Positive R3 | % of Positives in 1st PCR |
<% facilities_lables[f._id].name %> | <% facilities_lables[f._id].dhis2_name %> | <% districts_lables[facilities_lables[f._id].district_id].name %> | <% f.total_tests|number %> | <% facility_numbers_zero_to_two_months[f._id].total_tests != null ? facility_numbers_zero_to_two_months[f._id].total_tests : 0 %> | <% facility_numbers_zero_to_two_months_pcr1[f._id].total_tests != null ? facility_numbers_zero_to_two_months_pcr1[f._id].total_tests : 0 %> | <% facility_numbers_positves_zero_to_two_months[f._id].total_tests != null ? facility_numbers_positves_zero_to_two_months[f._id].total_tests : 0 %> | <% f.pcr_one|number %> | <% facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_one_hiv_positive_infants != null ? facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_one_hiv_positive_infants : 0 %> | <% f.pcr_two|number %> | <% facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_two_hiv_positive_infants != null ? facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_two_hiv_positive_infants : 0 %> | <% f.pcr_three|number %> | <% facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_three_hiv_positive_infants != null ? facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_three_hiv_positive_infants : 0%> | <% f.pcr_R1|number %> | <% facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R1 != null ? facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R1 : 0 %> | <% f.pcr_R2|number %> | <% facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R2 != null ? facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R2 : 0%> | <% f.pcr_R3|number %> | <% facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R3 != null ? facility_numbers_for_positives[f._id].pcr_hiv_positive_infants_R3 : 0%> | <% (f.pcr_one_hiv_positive_infants > 0? (f.pcr_one_hiv_positive_infants/f.pcr_one)*100:0)|number:1 %>% |
District | Absolute Positives | Total Tests |
<% districts_lables[d._id].name %> | <% d.hiv_positive_infants|number %> | <% d.total_tests|number %> |
Facility | DHIS2 Facility Name | District | Absolute Positives | Total Tests |
<% facilities_lables[f._id].name %> | <% facilities_lables[f._id].dhis2_name %> | <% districts_lables[facilities_lables[f._id].district_id].name %> | <% f.hiv_positive_infants|number %> | <% f.total_tests|number %> |
District | Positivity Rate | Absolute Positives | Total Tests |
<% districts_lables[d._id].name %> | <% ((d.hiv_positive_infants/d.total_tests)*100)|number:1 %>% | <% d.hiv_positive_infants|number %> | <% d.total_tests|number %> |
CPHL Facility Name | DHIS2 Facility Name | District | Positivity Rate | Absolute Positives | Total Tests |
<% facilities_lables[f._id].name %> | <% facilities_lables[f._id].dhis2_name %> | <% districts_lables[facilities_lables[f._id].district_id].name %> | <% ((f.hiv_positive_infants/f.total_tests)*100)|number:1 %>% | <% f.hiv_positive_infants|number %> | <% f.total_tests|number %> |
Facility | Hub | Implementing Partner | # Pending Results | Last Printed on | Oldest Result Pending Printing(in Days) |
<% f.facility %> | <% f.hub %> | <% f.ip %> | <%f.pending_results%> | <%f.last_printed_on %> | <% generateDaysDifference(f.oldest_result_pending_printing) %> |
POC site | # Peripheral facilities | District | Device | #Tests | Week 5 | Week 4 | Week 3 | Week 2 | Week 1 | Week 0 | Week -1 | Week -2 | #Negatives | #Positives | Positivity Rate | #Errors | Error Rate | Last Report Date |
<% f.facility %> | <% f.peripheral_sites %> | <% f.district %> | <% f.poc_device %> | <% f.tests %> | <% f.wk1 %> | <% f.wk2 %> | <% f.wk3 %> | <% f.wk4 %> | <% f.wk5 %> | <% f.wk6 %> | <% f.wk7 %> | <% f.wk8 %> | <% f.negatives %> | <% f.positives %> | <% ((f.positives/(f.negatives + f.positives))*100)| number:1.0-0 %> % | <% f.errors %> | <% ((f.errors/f.tests)*100) | number:1.0-0 %> % | <% f.latest_date %> |
Months | <% dn._id | d_format %> |
Samples Received | <% dn.total_tests | number %> |
Samples Tested | <% dn.total_testing_completed | number %> |
Positivity Rate | <% (dn.hiv_positive_infants/dn.total_tests)*100 | number:1 %>% |